Our Circuit's Response to 'Pray 2-3'

Pray 2-3 District Initiative: Our Circuit Response


January  Praying through the Prayer Handbook 22/23

February  Candle-lighting on Facebook at 6 pm daily

March  Two books recommended on prayer for Lent

April  Zoom (with Rev Jacqui) 4th April  7 pm
          Zoom (with Rev Jonny) 25th April 7 pm

May    24/7 Prayer at Walsingham on the 29th


July  Big Sunday (30th) on the Lord’s Prayer

August  Reflective prayer with photos (Circuit flowers)

September  Praying through the Prayer Handbook 23/24

October  Big Sunday on Reflective Prayer with our Chair of District

November  A Day of Prayer to pray for the stationing process and the appointment of a new Superintendent (N.B. we were successfully matched in the 1st round)

December  Using the District social media graphics with a prayer suggestion for each day

Prayer Times in the third Lockdown

Prayer opportunities in January - March 2021

Daily Prayer for the month of October 2020

Details of our latest month of prayer.

Daily Prayer for our Month of Prayer August 3rd - September 5th

We are encouraged to pray this prayer daily during August and early September.


If you would like anything prayed for in our prayer room, please fill in the contact form on this website.

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